Monday Musings

The path of paganism of any sort can be a lonely one when you are finding it yourself. When you come from a culture dominated by Christian thoughts and words. Finding out that everything you where taught is a lie. Is a huge thing. When you find out all religions are myth based. Life makes more sense. All faith paths are myth based.

Which is an odd thought when you think about it.

All faith paths. All religions. They are all myth based. They are in essence all faith based. For no human can say other then on the realm of the spirit that they have met gods in the flesh. Though I for one feel gods in the flesh walk among the humans. They just don’t usually advertise it.

For how would they prove it when they are most likely cut off from any real power they had? They be touted as the next mad, insane, people.

So honest truths. All faiths both the many gods and one god paths are myth based and do not let anyone try and tell you other wise.

Happy learning. Happy journey.

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