Sigyn’s Day 14

Herself has asked for me to write more on the little short story that I wrote for her. She wants a novel. I am like ok. So for the cast.


Red haired daughter child of Thor/Morrigan









Odin (and his ravens and wolves)






And that is all for now. I get the feeling I get to personify Them within the con finds of the story. So that is for her she wishes to have it written.


Story thought: Thor brings his daughter by the Morrigan to his brother to raise. Sif will not allow the child in the house she does not care that it was by contract between he two families before she was ever in the picture. She does not want to raise anyone else’s children. So the daughter comes to Loki and Sigyn to be raised with their boys. This is a coming of age story filled with everyday magic.

Sigyn’s day 5 (I’ve got to get better about remember to post…)

I want to talk about one of Sigyn‘s greatest lessons: Loyalty. Here is a good spot to see how it is defined:

She is a loyal one. Truly loyal. She does not sway from her promises even when others wish her too. She stays. She remains. She endures. She watches. She cares. She loves. These are her words to me or at least the way I understood them.

I Am

I am what I am.

I am loyal.

I gave my word.

Why do you think I would break it.

Why do you think I’d dishonor myself, my husband, our families?

Just because you think my life would be easier!

No it would not.

Who would trust me than.

Oathbreaker I would be.

No I will stay.

I will give him what I can.

I will bear my wooden bowl and catch the poison.

A poison that should not be there at all.

You punished him enough.

You destroyed his children- all of them.

You destroyed my sons!

I am supposed to leave him for the ones who murdered my boys!


I will stay.

I will stay until the snake dies.

I will stay and give him what he needs.

I will watch my husband fall over the abyss.

I will watch him become what you feared.

He will become what you created.

So will his children.

You created this.

Enjoy what you have sown.

Leave me to my work.

My duty.

My beloved husband.
