Monday Musings

The path of paganism of any sort can be a lonely one when you are finding it yourself. When you come from a culture dominated by Christian thoughts and words. Finding out that everything you where taught is a lie. Is a huge thing. When you find out all religions are myth based. Life makes more sense. All faith paths are myth based.

Which is an odd thought when you think about it.

All faith paths. All religions. They are all myth based. They are in essence all faith based. For no human can say other then on the realm of the spirit that they have met gods in the flesh. Though I for one feel gods in the flesh walk among the humans. They just don’t usually advertise it.

For how would they prove it when they are most likely cut off from any real power they had? They be touted as the next mad, insane, people.

So honest truths. All faiths both the many gods and one god paths are myth based and do not let anyone try and tell you other wise.

Happy learning. Happy journey.

Friday: What Am I Reading?

Currently nothing new. I need to get a new book or two and make a reading list so I have a clue what I am reading/studying. I have not chosen anything yet.

This day will be a about the book I am reading and my thoughts on the lessons or what not that are in that book. As in is this good for a beginner or do you need to have been doing this path for a while book to understand it.

So this week-end I will be making a book pile. Next Friday I will list the books and authors if you wish to read along with me.

Tarot Reading Wednesday

So I started to use this app I found in the Google Play store. It is called labyrinthos. Its a cute tarot learning app. I will use it to talk about different cards as they come up doing single readings.

First the app is free. Next you are a ghost spirit that has forgotten its way. Which is cute.

Todays one card reading.

I like the style of cards. It is simple and you get the feel of it.

I have a good feeling about work today. Gotta go. Work starts soon.

Tuesday: Monday’s Thoughts

Writing Monday’s thoughts on a snowy Tuesday Morning in my home state of Michigan. Monday got away from me. Between writing, gaming and going to work. I forgot to update ALL of my blogs including this one.

My pagan heathen thoughts of the day.

The GODS choose their own.

You as a mortal do not get to tell Them who They can or cannot choose as Their choice to make. It is not the mortal’s choice. The Gods choose their people. The Gods know who is theirs by the person’s soul. You really think They do not know who their own people are? Are you as a practitioner that much of a gatekeeper of the gods.

The Gods know their own. They know what souls are theirs. They will claim who they claim and never mind the mortal fool who screams other wise.

I can only advise to listen. To actually and actively listen to the Gods. To hear Them.

Mortals do not get to tell the Gods who they allow to worship or fellowship.

Mortals are here to learn. To ascend. To take care of the world and people around them.

Let the Gods choose their people. Your life will be easier for it.

Friday: Book day

Still reading the same high fantasy book as I was last week. Just not reading as fast as I normally do. So still on the same book. Hopefully I will be reviewing the whole group of them here after I read them again.

So nothing new to report. Still reading the same book.

Monday: Thoughts

Monday is the day I ramble on about my path a bit and laugh at my going back and fixing my misspellings and missed capital letters. Today I ramble on about how I feel I am going. and all that jazz. So here we go. Meant to do this earlier this morning.

The gods have given me a name. Chaos. So I use that name a lot. It is what they call me so I will go by it. I like the name Chaos. right now their argument is how I should spell it. Chaos or Khaos. I’ll spell it either way. The name feels correct. So bam. I will use it.

I have found my spiritual twin.

I am finding bits and pieces of my tribe here on earth. Which is good. I like knowing they are okay. For I do not feel even on out best of days that humanity is doing great. I might give humanity okay. lol

It is still the usual suspects around here with some new gods hanging out.

I do what I do and I support them and they support me. So it’s a good existence.

I don’t feel like talking more. Take care. Be well. Keep paganing on!

Posting Time Table

I will be posting there only three days a week. This will be the only post out of turn. This will help me not over load myself as I am working on four different blogs at this moment.

This blog as you know is an exploration of my Pagan faith. So we shall explore that three days a week.

Monday: Thoughts on How I am doing on the path I am walking.

Wednesday: Tarot Reading or Talking about one card at a time.

Friday: What am I reading? My thoughts also once the books start getting finished or even as I read the books.

So That is the time table. Doing my best not to overwhelm myself.

Have a good and merry day all.


It is a little dusty in here. Gonna dust this thing off and work on a regular posting time table. I know I feel off the face of the world. Life happened and things got crazy. Life is still crazy.

So much has happened. So much is happening. As soon as I figure out what days I am posting. There will be posts.

Just have to decide what kind. What is worth sharing. What should be shared.

So watch this space for the time table.